Get the game started in 3 minutes
Choose your best five categories to compete in.
Taking turns, the two teams pick a question category to compete in. Whichever team wins the coin toss picks three categories, the loser picks two.
Answer questions correctly to keep hold of the ball.
When answering a question correctly the attacking team chooses to either pass the ball up the pitch or draw a Tactic card. If answered wrong, possession is turned over to the opponent’s captain.
Forwards score the goals.
When the attacking team gets a question right with the ball at their forward’s feet, a goal is scored. It’s also possible to score from the penalty spot via Tactic cards.
A match lasts 45 minutes.
When time is up, the team in possession can finish their attack for one last attack on goal. No Tactic cards allowed in stoppage time, it’s in God’s hands from here.
Outsmart your opponent with tactical moves
Tactic cards can turn the game upside down - and can be used by both the attacking and defending teams.